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What and Which Access Model to choose? 

August 27, 2024

What and Which Access Model to choose?  featured image

Recently, I came across a couple of clients where they are refining their access and encounter too many *BAC.  

It is always hard to define strategy where to go when you have 1000s roles and it’s already out of control. here is the simplified overview of these two RBAC and ABAC models. 

RBAC vs. ABAC: Key Differences 

RBAC and ABAC are both access control models, but they differ in their approach to gran ting permissions: 

1. Role-Based Access Control : 

RBAC assigns permissions to users based on their roles within an organization. It’s a simpler, more traditional approach that groups users into roles and assigns permissions to those roles. 

2. Attribute-Based Access Control : 

ABAC uses a combination of attributes to determine access rights. These attributes can include user characteristics, resource properties, and environmental conditions. 

-Where to Use RBAC 

RBAC is ideal for organizations with well-defined roles and hierarchies. It’s particularly useful in: 

1. Large enterprises with clear organizational structures 

2. Healthcare institutions (e.g., doctors, nurses, administrators) 

3. Educational institutions (e.g., teachers, students, staff) 

4. Government agencies 

e.g. In a hospital, a doctor role might have access to patient records, while a receptionist role would only have access to appointment schedules. 


– Simplicity and ease of implementation 

– Clear separation of duties 

– Easier to audit and manage 


– Less flexible for complex scenarios 

– Can lead to role explosion in large organizations 

– Difficult to handle exceptions 

– Where to Use ABAC 

ABAC is more suitable for complex, dynamic environments that require fine-grained access control. It’s beneficial in: 

1. Cloud computing environments 

2. Multi-tenant systems 

3. Organizations with frequently changing access requirements 

e.g. In a cloud-based system, access might be granted based on the user’s department, time of day, and location, rather than just their role. 


– Highly flexible and granular control 

– Can adapt to complex, dynamic environments 

– Reduces the need for custom roles 


– More complex to implement and maintain 

– Can be computationally intensive 

– Potentially more difficult to audit 

Summary and My Opinion 🙂 . 

In my experience, the choice between RBAC and ABAC often depends on the organization’s size, complexity, and specific security requirements. RBAC remains a solid choice for many organizations due to its simplicity and ease of management. However, as businesses become more complex and data-driven, ABAC is gaining traction. 

I’ve observed that a hybrid approach can be particularly effective. Many organizations start with RBAC and gradually incorporate ABAC elements as their needs evolve. This allows them to maintain the simplicity of RBAC for most scenarios while leveraging ABAC’s flexibility for more complex access decisions. 

Ultimately, the key is to align the access control model with your organization’s security goals, operational needs, and compliance requirements. Regular reviews and adjustments are crucial to ensure your access control strategy remains effective in an ever-changing threat landscape. 

I would love to hear your thoughts and experience solving challenges.  

In part 2 of this blog, we will discuss other Access Model and solutions available in the market.  

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